MCM’s Education and Community Engagement team completed a project with the Maryland State Arts Council that highlighted local artists in Montgomery County. The ECE team visited arts events, a farmer’s market, and personal artist studios as a part of the Artist Spotlight series.
Here are the events the ECE team went to and the artists we spoke with:
Bethesda Arts Walk
The Bethesda Art Walk marked the opening night of the Bethesda Painting Awards Exhibition. Several galleries participated in the Art Walk, including Studio B, Gallery B, Triangle Art Studios, Amy Kaslow Gallery, and Waverly Street Gallery.
At the Art Walk, we spoke to artists, guests, and representatives of the Bethesda Arts and Entertainment District at Gallery B. Gallery B is in downtown Bethesda and has rotating exhibits each month, with this month’s being the awards exhibition.
“People in Bethesda really care about art, and I think they want to be engaged,” Lisa Helfert, a Gallery B guest, said.
One of the Young Artist Award winners, Lindsay Mueller, said it was one of the first awards she’s earned. Mueller’s art focuses on overlooked environments she interacts with in the community.
Grace Doyle was one of the finalists for the Bethesda Painting Awards. Her piece on display was of her parents.
Lindsay Mueller can be found @lindsaymuellerart and Grace Doyle @gracedoyle.art on Instagram.
Derwood Farmer’s Market, Clifford’s Creations
ECE also visited the Derwood Farmer’s Market to speak with Collin Clifford, owner and creator of Clifford’s Creations.
Clifford makes custom wood products from locally sourced trees. He and his family have been going to the market for years. This summer is the first time Clifford has attended as a creator.
“I got started making and selling wood creations this year, actually, is my first year making and selling things,” Clifford said.
Clifford’s father was a master carpenter for many years and showed him the craft.
Seeing his customers’ reactions to the pieces is one of Clifford’s favorite aspects of creating.
“Just to see the look I get from people when they see their final product has been very enjoyable,” he said.
Clifford Creations can be found @clifford.creations on Instagram, or email at clifford.wood.creations@gmail.com
Dunnie Onasanya
Dunnie Onasanya is a resident studio artist at VisArts, a nonprofit in Rockville with five galleries, several studio artists, as well as art classes and camps.
Onasanya is an expressionist and an abstract painter who did not start painting on canvas until 2018.
“It’s a faith walk,” Onasanya said about her art career. “It’s a confidence thing, and you have to put that mindful work into investing in yourself and show up for yourself and be your biggest advocate.”
She has always been passionate about art; it was her childhood dream to become an artist.
A lot of her work is influenced by her West African heritage and family, as she shared a painting she did of Queen Idia of Benin. The painting is a part of an African Art visionary series for the Smithsonian Museum of African Art. Onasanya said her future students will work on a similar project to the piece.
“I love the fact that Montgomery County always celebrates artists,” Onasanya said.
Onasanya says she would not be as far along in her artist journey if she was not in Montgomery County.
Dunnie Onasanya and her work can be found @dunnietheartist on Instagram.
Kelsey Joyce, Joyful Imji Creations
Kelsey Joyce is the owner and creator of Joyful Imji Creations, a paper mâché sculpture business in Rockville that promotes imagination and creates unique creatures.
Joyce works in her home, in a bedroom she converted to a studio.
“Art is supposed to be something that helps me heal and express, not just something to bring in extra money,” Joyce shared.
Joyce is a full-time manager and lead teacher at a local nonprofit called Arts on the Block.
She aspires to be as supportive for her students as her previous teachers were for her. Joyce likes to teach students about keeping the environment clean by basing her creatures and their powers on environmental elements.
“The local artist community is incredible here. I’ve so much support from members of the Takoma Artery and in the local artist community,” Joyce shared.
Joyful Imji Creations can be found on Instagram @joyful.imji.creations
Erin Friedman, Erin Friedman Art
Erin Friedman is an abstract painter and owner of Erin Friedman Art, based in Bethesda. She paints mostly large pieces for homes and businesses across the country.
Friedman has been an artist her whole life. She previously worked for a large company but has since transitioned into self-employment. While her work occupies more time than before, she feels more passionate about it.
“The local community has been amazing. It’s fun being an artist in this area,” Friedman said.
She participates in many groups, including one with all women artists.
“I think the art community here is beautiful because the artists support other artists…Everybody needs a community, especially in this career,” she said.
Friedman firmly believes that artists need to stick together.
Erin Friedman Art can be found on Instagram @erinfriedmanart, Facebook at Erin Friedman Art and online at www.erinfriedmanart.com
MCM also had the chance to visit several artists at the BlackRock Center for the Arts’ Artisan Market, including several creators from the area. You can learn more about here.
Watch more of MCM’s Artist Spotlight project on our YouTube channel and keep an eye on our social media for clips!
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